I'm Christian Janev. I'm from Illinois and I love change.

I used to be scared to do anything on the computer. That eventually blew off, but it's true. I used to be scared of Windows asking for admin privileges. I have no idea where it came from, but it was a part of me for a while. When I overcame this "fear" is when it was apparent that I had a sixth instinct for technology. It was something that was second nature to me, just figuring out how certain things worked, it made sense to me. Eventually, I started to learn to code with many programming languages and tools through many Youtube videos. I've always wanted to make things better, and make things that people would want to use. I started selling some of my products in 2023, and seeing people purchase something I made because they think it would help them, that just felt out of this world. Today, I'm expanding my knowledge to business and web development, while maintaining my high school life. I'm always learning while building with intent to go further with this knowledge I've gained over the years.